Unpack the tar.gz file with "tar xzvf readbarcode-x.x.x.tar.gz" (replace x.x.x with right version number). Change into the dir, and "./configure", make then make install
If you need a GUI, then download it, and install like above. But you need install Spca5xx first, donot forget the video4linux module.
How to use
If you use GUI, link your webcam and PC like the photo show below. ( C: your PC USB plug; B: the webcam; A: things with Bar code ) Type "ppmGet" to get start.
If you ues readbarcode in command line, type "readbarcode -i inputpic.ppm -p 0.2 -o result.txt -try" will be OK.
-i input picture (ppm format, better at size 640X480)
-o output decode result to a txt file (you need it, because STDOUT is full of debug messages)
Now it can only work with HEX ppm format ( not ascii format, no annotation begin with # ) you'd better use GUI ppmGet to get your ppm picture files ,or samplePIC.ppm and other sample pictures in img directory in the source